Out of copyright Egyptological publications of many kinds and in various languages (some specially translated) will be made available on the Foundation’s website as free pdf downloads. This will facilitate the dissemination of information and material which until now has been difficult of access to students, scholars, and the public at large.
The Foundation’s website will be in a continual process of expansion and enlargement as additional material is added.
The Foundation’s two current Senior Research Fellows are:
Dr. Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland)
Dr. Alexandra von Lieven (Germany)
The Temple of Seti I at Abydos
Amice Calverley’s Record of the Temple of Seti I.

Commencing in 1933, a series of four huge (elephant folio sized) volumes was published entitled The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, edited by Alan H. Gardiner, and largely devoted to the superb and beautiful copies of the wall paintings of the temple done by Ms. Amice Calverley.
The Foundation has its own set of the four volumes, and has commenced a lengthy process of making high resolution scans of the entirety of Ms. Calverley’s images found in the four volumes.
Abydos: Le Temple de Séti Ier, Jean Capart, 1912.

Plates and Illustrations from the publication by the Musées Royaux, Brussels.
The Foundation’s project to make the Temple of Seti I at Abydos better known to the public commences with this online publication of the illustrations which appeared in 1912 in a rare book published at Brussels by the Musées Royaux. The book was entitled Abydos: Le Temple de Séti Ier, with a lengthy introductory essay (not reproduced here) written by Jean Capart.
Sponsored Books

The Foundation is sponsor of the series of volumes of Sources of Alchemy and Chemistry: Sir Robert Mond Studies in the History of Early Chemistry published by the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry as free supplement volumes for subscribers to the Society’s international journal, Ambix.
Click for more information.
Jean-Antoine Letronne: Part I

Jean-Antoine Letronne, Critical, Historical and Geographical Studies of Fragments of Hero of Alexandria, or: ‘On the Egyptian Measurement System’, considered from its basis, in relation to the Greek and Roman itinerary measurements and considering the modifications that have been applied to this data from the reigns of the Pharaohs until the Arab Invasion.
Part I.
King Lists
Egyptian Chronology and Material Relating to Surviving Ancient King Lists.

The Foundation has an enduring concern with ancient Egyptian chronology. As part of its work in this area, we commence by making some basic materials available online. More images and material will be added from time to time.
Richard Lepsius, Königsbuch der Alten Ägypter (Bessersche Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1858.
King List of the Ancient Egyptians

Borchardt's Study of Nilometers etc....

In 1906 Ludwig Borchardt published his comprehensive book Nilmesser und Nilstandsmarken (Nile Gauges and Nile Level Markers) (Berlin, Royal Academy of Sciences, 1906, 55 pp.). It contained 37 illustrations plus 5 folding plates at the rear.
Ètienne Drioton Les Origines Du Nilométre de Rodah (The Pharaonic Origins of the Nilometer of Rodah)