King lists
Egyptian Chronology and Material Relating to Surviving Ancient King Lists.

Plate 11.
The bay of Amun in the Hypostyle Hall, and the Sanctuary of Amun
[in the distance].
The bay of Amun in the Hypostyle Hall, and the Sanctuary of Amun
[in the distance].
Plate 3. A 19th century photo of the left portion of the Abydos King list from the Temple of Seti I at Abydo.
Plate 4. The King List of the main portion of the Palermo Stone, which is preserved at Palermo, Sicily. Obverse side. Computer enhanced image.
Plate 5. A fragment of a King List known as ‘The Petrie Fragment’, and also as ‘The London Fragment’, or ‘Petrie/London Fragment of the Cairo Stone’.
Plate 6. This is the royal king list of the Temple of Seti I as reproduced ‘next door’ in the Temple of Rameses II.
Plate 7. Another engraving of the King List of the Temple of Rameses II at Abydos, shown in reverse view to that appearing in Plate 6. This was published in an obscure and long-forgotten offprint booklet by Jean-Antoine Letronne (1787-1848) in 1845.
Plate 8. A king list of five successive names of Fourth Dynasty kings (reading from right to left) discovered in 1949 by Fernand Debono carved on a cliff at Wadi Hammamat in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
Plate 9. The Elephantine King List. This king list was discovered by Sir Flinders Petrie on the Island of Elephantine, in the Nile River near Aswan.
Plate 10. Petrie also found this inscription at Elephantine, which is published at the bottom of Plate XI of A Season in Egypt 1887, and discussed on page 12.
Plate 12. The Saqqara King List from the Tomb of King’s Scribe and Chief Lector Priest Tjuloy (previously known as Tunari).

This rare book of 134 pages contains beautifully printed drawings of all the cartouches which were known at the time of its publication, accompanied by the names in Greek preserved by Manetho which were believed to correspond to the original Egyptian forms of the names in the cartouches. This book contains extensive cross-references to Richard Lepsius’s Königsbuch der Alten Ägypter, Berlin, 1858, which this work attempts to supplant and supercede. An original copy of Lepsius’s rare book is also in the Foundation’s collection, and will also eventually be scanned in its entirety and made available on the website. The two books are best used side by side.