Amice Calverley’s Record of the Temple of Seti I.

Commencing in 1933, a series of four huge (elephant folio sized) volumes was published entitled The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, edited by Alan H. Gardiner, and largely devoted to the superb and beautiful copies of the wall paintings of the temple done by Ms. Amice Calverley. The books were published jointly by the Egypt Exploration Society and the Universtity of Chicago. The vast expense of these magnificent publications was paid by John D. Rockefeller, as it was far beyond the capacities of the Society and the University. These volumes, which are a priceless record of Egyptian temple art, sacred likenesses, and the pharaonic cults, are extremely rare and difficult of access. Even when copies of the volumes can be found by researchers and scholars, they can never be removed from the institutional libraries fortunate enough to possess them. And as for the images in the volumes, which are their main purpose, no institution is willing to risk the possibility of damage to the precious books by attempting to scan them. Consequently, the seminal work done by Ms. Calverley has remained to all intents and purposes practically inaccessible for purposes of intensive or prolonged study. That was certainly not the original intention. Like all the publications of the Society in those days, the books were published free of copyright restrictions, but alas replication or copying of the books by scholars was nevertheless physically impossible until modern technology came along.

The Foundation has its own set of the four volumes, and has commenced a lengthy process of making high resolution scans of the entirety of Ms. Calverley’s images found in the four volumes. Although extremely high resolution scans have been made, they contain too much data to be accessible over the internet. The Foundation has therefore commenced the putting of this material onto the internet in medium resolution, commencing with whole images. The Foundation is extremely grateful to Dr. Chris Naunton, Director of the Egypt Exploration Society, for encouraging this project and giving it his and the Society’s blessing. All the costs of the project are being borne by the Foundation.
Plates can be viewed as:- Jpegs with annotations
by clicking on the thumbnail - Very high resolution, zoomable images
(All of Vols II-Vols IV currently have this function. ...We'll be adding more to Vol I soon)
- Very high resolution and compressed PDFsAvailable at the bottom of the page
Plate 1.
(Reproduced from The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, copied by Amice M. Calverley with the assistance of Myrtle F. Broome and edited by Alan H. Gardiner, Egypt Exploration Society, London, 1933, Vol. I (The Chapels of Osiris, Isis, and Horus), Plate 1, frontispiece.)
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a. Furniture from the chapel of the god. See Plate 18, upper register
b. Re-Harakhti as a ram. See Plate I4, lower register
c. The goddess Yus’as. See Plate 18, lower register
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View into the Chapel of Amen-Re from the East.
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a. Horus Pillar-of-his-Mother. See Plate 36, lower register.
b. The god Ptah. See Plate 27, lower register.
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Detail from Plate 30, lower register.
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a. From the Chapel of Amen-Re
b. From the Chapel of Re-Harakhti
c. From the Chapel of Ptah
N. B. The lunette of the chapel of King Sethos is destroyed.
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(Chapel of Amen-Re, Chapel of Re-Harakhti Chapel of King Sethos.
N.B. The Pilasters of the Chapel of Ptah are destroyed.
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(Chapel of Amen-Re, Chapel of Re-Harakhti)
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(Chapel of Ptah, Chapel of King Sethos)
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For the bands of inscription see Plate 46.
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For the bands of inscription see Plate 46.
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For the bands of inscription see Plate 46.
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For the bands of inscription see Plate 46.
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The hieroglyphs face to the west
Chapels Of Amen-Re, Re’-Harakhti, Ptah and King Sethos, Ceiling Inscriptions. Also the frieze, Chapel of King Sethos.
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a. West wall, second section from north, upper scenes.
b. West wall, third section from north, upper scenes.
c. North wall, only existing fragment of frieze, over entrance to Horus shrine.
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a. Fifth section from north.
b. Sixth and last section from North.
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a. Portion west of entrance to Second Osiris Hall.
b. Portion east of entrance to Second Osiris Hall.
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a. North . b. South
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a, b, c. West, East and North walls.
d, e. Thicknesses of doorway.
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and Osiris.
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A. Between west end and the pilaster, below Pls. 9 and 10
B. C. D. Between the pilaster and east end, below Pls. 7.6
E. East wall, north end
F. East wall, south end
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South thickness. North thickness.
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For the scenes in the niche see Pl. 33, A.
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South thickness. North thickness.
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For the sides of the niche see Pl. 34, A.
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South thickness. North thickness.
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The upper scene.
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The lower scenes and framing of the niche.
For the scenes in the niche see Pl. 34, B and Pl. 35.
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South thickness. North thickness.
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For the scenes in the niche see Pl. 33, B.
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South thickness. North thickness.
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For the scenes in the niche see Pl. 33, C.
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South thickness. North thickness.
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Details: A. From Pl. 27, south thickness B. From Pl. 31, below, left.
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N.B. In A the grain is painted green, elsewhere it is always yellow.
A. From Pl. 17, below, right B. From Pl. 23, below, right.
C. From PI. 23, below, left D. From Pl. 26, below, right.
E. From PI. 26, below, left F. From Pl. 31, below, right.
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The upper scene.
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the lower scenes and framing of the niche.
For the scenes in the niche see Pl. 33, D.
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South thickness. North thickness.
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A. In niche between the Chapels of Horus and Isis.
B. In niche between the Chapels of Amen-Re and Re-Harakhti.
C. In niche between the Chapels of Re-Harakhti and Ptah.
D. In niche between the Chapels of Ptah and King Sethos.
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A. In niche between the Chapels of Isis and Osiris.
For the centre scene see Pl. 17.
B. In niche between the Chapels of Osiris and Amen-Re.
For the north scene see Pl. 35.
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For the lintel above see Pl. 38, A.
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A. lintel above entrance to the hall of nefer-tem and Ptah-Soker.
For the entrance below see Pl. 37.
B. Scene above entrance to the Gallery of the Lists.
For the entrance below see Pl. 40.
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For the scene above see Pl. 38, B. For the thicknesses see Pl. 41, A.
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A. Entrance to the Gallery of the Lists
B. Columns of row A, dado.
Cols. 1-6 show papyrus, Cols. 7-12 U.E. plant
(B.) Columns of row A, frieze
vertical inscription
C. Columns Of Rows B and C, dado
Cols. 1-6 show papyrus, Cols. 7-12 U.E. plant
( C.) Columns of rows B and C, frieze
D. West wall. Entrance to the Chapel of King Sethos
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A.The scenes above the King Sethos Entrance.
B. The scenes above the Amen-Re Entrance.
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A. The Scenes above the Ptah Entrance.
B. The scenes above The Re-Harakhti Entrance.
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A. The scene above the Osiris Entrance.
B. The scene above the Isis Entrance.
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A. The frieze above all scenes.
B. East wall. The scene above the Horus Entrance.
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A. King Sethos Entrance, north side (south side identical).
B. Ptah Entrance, south side.
C. Variants.
The levels of the variants are shown by italic letters
Re-Harakhti Entrance, north side.
Ptah Entrance, north side.
D. Re-Harakhti Entrance, south side.
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Details of overcutting of names of Sethos by Ramesses II.
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A. Osiris Entrance, south side.
B. Variants.
The levels of the variants are shown by italic letters.
Osiris Entrance, north side.
Isis Entrance, north side.
C. Isis Entrance, south side.
D. Horus Entrance, south side (north side identical).
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N.B. The name of the deity (here Re-Harakhti) corresponds to the chapel to which the entrance leads.
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For the inscriptions surrounding the central design see Pls. 59-61.
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For the central design see Pl. 58.
A. Plan of all ceiling inscriptions.
B. Alley of Amen-Re.
C. Alley of King Sethos.
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For the central design see Pl. 58.
A. Alley of Isis.
B. Alley of Osiris.
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A. Alley of Re-Harakhti.
B. Alley of Ptah.
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The central inscription is flanked on each side by a pattern of stars.
A. Inter-alley I. B. Inter-alley II. C. Inter-alley III. D. Inter-alley IV. E. Inter-alley V. F. Inter-alley VI.
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The dot represents the deity, the line from it indicates the direction faced, the straight lines referring to the inscriptions on the capitals, the curved lines to the scenes on the shafts. Specimens of the capital inscriptions, showing details of deities, epithets and hieroglyphs.
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